(가나다 순)
강원대학교 인문과학연구소: http://www.knuinmun.or.kr/
경희대학교 인문학연구원: http://hkimh.khu.ac.kr/ (통합의료인문학)
건국대학교 몸문화연구소: http://kkbody.konkuk.ac.kr/
서울시립대학교 도시인문학 연구소: https://ihuos.uos.ac.kr/ihuos/main.do
숙명여자대학교 숙명인문학 연구소 : www.srih.kr (혐오시대, 인문학의 대응)
이화여자대학교 이화인문과학원: http://eih.ewha.ac.kr/
이화여자대학교 포스트휴먼 융합인문학 협동과정(대학원): http://posthuman.ewha.ac.kr/
제주대학교 지능소프트웨어교육연구소: http://iseri.kr/ (인공지능 교육)
중앙대학교 인문컨텐츠 연구소: http://aihumanities.org/ko/ (인공지능 인문학)
한양대학교 HY과학기술윤리법정책센터: http://celpst.hanyang.ac.kr/
Posthuman Studies Hub:The Official Homepage for Beyond Humanism Conference Series
국내외 관련 학술지
Journal of Posthuman Studies : http://www.psupress.org/Journals/jnls_JPHS.html
– SCOPUS 등재지
– Emerging Sources Citation Index 등재
– ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences) 등재
The Journal of Posthuman Studies: Philosophy, Media, Technology (Publisher: Penn State University Press) will be a fully peer reviewed, multidisciplinary journal developed to analyse what it is to be human in an age of rapid technological, scientific, cultural and social evolution. Drawing on theory from critical posthumanism and the normative reflections of transhumanism it will encourage constructive but rigorously critical dialogue through discussion papers, forums, and a carefully curated balance of research articles. The journal will publish papers on issues such as the consequences of enhancement, especially bioenhancement, transhumanist, and posthumanist accounts of “the human”, and any and all ways in which they impact culture and society.
『탈경계인문학 TRANS-HUMANITIES』 : http://journal.kci.go.kr/eih
European Journal of Bioethics JAHR: http://www.jahr-bioethics-journal.com/index.php/JAHR/index
『포스트휴먼 교양교육실천연구』 : https://dile.deu.ac.kr/dile/content/28